Uutiset / 21.10.2010

Stipendi Saksaan ensi kevääksi


German-Northern European Scholarship – Call for applicants

 In 2011, the German non-profit organisation IJP – International Journalists’ Programmes – announces its twelfth bursary for journalists from Germany and the five Nordic countries: Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden.

Five journalists, one from each Nordic country, will have the opportunity to work for German media outlets for two months (from end of march till end of May) in 2011. At the same time five German journalists visit host media in Northern Europe.


Purpose of the programme

IJP is a non-profit organisation offering exchange programmes for early and midcareer journalists between Germany and more than 40 countries. These programmes enable participants to experience their host countries from a correspondent’s perspective. So far, similar programmes have been set up for journalists from Germany and besides others the U.S.A., the U.K., Turkey, Latin America and the Middle East.

Journalists from all six countries, who join the German-Northern European Scholarship, gain personal experience and professional insight of the political landscape, the economy, and of the everyday life in the host country. Participants from the Northern countries meet opinion leaders and decision makers in Germany, the largest country in the European Union. The programme is funded by the Auswärtiges Amt (Foreign Office of the German Federal Government), by the foreign ministries of the Nordic countries and by a small circle of private sponsors.


The Bursary

The scholarship programme starts on March 31st 2011 with a four-day introduction conference in one of the Nordic capitals. Immediately afterwards, the participating journalists will take up their internships at the host media. If necessary, changes to the schedule can be discussed, due to individual needs. The host media will be selected by the IJP according to the interests and qualifications of the bursary recipients.

During a final meeting, which will take place in Berlin from May 26th to May 29th  2011, participants are requested to deliver a three-page report of their experience and a clipping of newspaper articles and/or radio, television or online contributions. These reports and contributions will be part of the final documentation. Furthermore, the participants are invited to stay in touch through the IJP alumni network. Each Nordic scholar will receive a single payment of 3700 Euro to cover the stay in Germany. Additional costs should be paid by each scholar. Payment for the work in Germany is up to the individual media and cannot be expected.



The application is open to any journalist from the Nordic countries aged between 18 and 39, working fixed or on a freelance base for any print, radio or TV media. Workable knowledge of English is essential. The application has to be in English and must be handed in before November 30th 2010 and should include: • CV, incl. photograph • letter of recommendation by an editor, supporting the application • four written samples of work (TV and radio journalists are asked not to send tapes but a comprehensive list of contributions.) • preferences of host media outlets and of host regions (i.e. Munich) in Germany The selection committee will inform applicants by January 15th  2011.


Address of application

IJP e.V.

German-Northern European Programme,

Postfach 31 07 46,

10637 Berlin, Germany


If you have any queries regarding the programme or your application, please contact IJP:

Mr. Clemens Bomsdorf, phone +45 50 121 005, e-mail: bomsdorf@ijp.org


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