Uutiset / 24.02.2023

Ukrainalaisten kollegojen viesti Journalistiliiton jäsenille

The National Union of Journalists of Ukraine (NUJU) expresses its deep respect and sincere gratitude to you for your support from the first days of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine. A year ago, our lives, the lives of all Ukrainian journalists, changed dramatically in one day. Shelling, bomb shelters, evacuation, occupation, lack of communication, water, food, transport, places to spend the night at were the reality we faced during the first days. And since the first days of full-scale war, we have received messages, calls, letters from you with one question: "How can we help you?" This helping hand has been strong and reliable. We received sensitive, caring and sincere friends who realized our problems as their own, and did not stand aside in this year complicated for our country in general and for journalism in particular. We highly appreciate the help offered by international partners. You sent us bulletproof vests, helmets, first-aid kits for journalists, laptops, phones, cameras and other equipment, sleeping bags, vitamins or other vital things for displaced journalists. Thanks to your funds, we were able to support Ukrainian journalists in the most difficult months of the war and helped them resume their work. The NUJU detected the most painful and critical points in media activity, monitored the lives of journalists who were in trouble, in order to timely provide them with the necessary assistance in cooperation with international partners. We managed to solve extremely complex problems such as provision of means of protection for media workers for hot spots; evacuation of journalists from areas of high level of threat to life and health; financial support of mass media employees left without means for living; assistance in the resumption of newspaper publishing due to the war; provision of equipment and other means for further journalistic activities, etc. And most importantly, you and your journalists informed your citizens in detail about what is happening in Ukraine. Thanks to the courageous work of foreign journalists in Ukraine, the world sees the truth. This is true solidarity, dear colleagues! Your support made it possible for the Ukrainian press to persevere and gain new experience, and for media workers to stay in their profession, to develop professionally, to be at the forefront of information events, and for many of those who became forced migrants to recover from the horrors of the war and find strength for further life. We would also like to draw your attention to the latest issues of our digest in English, where you will find more stories of Ukrainian journalists working in war conditions. https://digest-nuju.webflow.io/en/news-1 https://digest-nuju.webflow.io/en/news-2 https://digest-nuju.webflow.io/en/news-3 https://digest-nuju.webflow.io/en/news-4 Thank you for being around! Journalists are Important!   Best regards, Sergiy Tomilenko, the President of the NUJU Lina Kushch, the First Secretary of the NUJU

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