Nyheter / 03.10.2016

Council for Mass Media rulings include depiction of anti-Ramadan demo as racist

These included two complaints about a report in the daily tabloid Iltalehti that characterized a protest held against the observance of the Muslim month of Ramadan as racist. The Council exonerated the paper over both complaints.

Other complaints the Council dealt with related to articles published by Helsingin Sanomat on the issue of research fraud. The paper was exonerated over its treatment of the issue, and the Council found among other things that the paper’s mere handling of suspected research fraud was in the public interest. It also found that the paper was not duty bound to take a stand concerning a researcher who had been involved in research work written about by the paper but whose name was not mentioned.

The Council did however uphold complains against the paper for its follow-up coverage of the story for giving a false impression of new investigations into research fraud and for failing to correct factual mistakes.

Another case dealt with an article in the newspaper Aamulehti, the narrative of which concerned tracking down prostitution. Children depicted in the article and its accompanying photographs were linked by the story to prostitution. The Council upheld a complaint on the matter.

The Council exonerated the commercial broadcaster MTV concerning a complaint of concealed advertising.

Petri Savolainen förlänas riddartecknet av Finlands Lejons orden

Republikens president har förlänat Petri Savolainen riddartecknet av Finlands Lejons orden. Petri Savolainen är Journalistförbundets intressebevakningsdirektör. Han har jobbat för Journalistförbundet i 25 år.

Journalistförbundet fokuserar på kollektivavtal och upphovsrätt 2025

Kollektivavtalsförhandlingar, förbättrade villkor för frilansar och en ny strategi för upphovsrätt står högt på Journalistförbundets agenda för nästa år. Förbundet satsar också på att stötta Yles anställda i omställningsförhandlingarna och förhandlar om bättre arbetsvillkor för egenföretagare. 

Medlemsavgifterna på samma nivå 2025

Journalistförbundets fullmäktige har fastställt medlemsavgifterna för 2025. Medlemsavgifterna är på samma nivå 2025 som 2024.