Nyheter / 20.04.2015

UJF backs steady jobs’ campaign

‘Operaatio vakiduuni’ demands job security and an end to zero-hours contracts.

Operaatio vakiduuni (‘operation steady job’) aims to build public support for stable employment and to improve the status of people in temporary work. The initiative includes a signature campaign against zero-hours contracts, writes UJF head of advocacy Petri Savolainen.

The UJF has been focusing in particular on issues to do with temporary employment and self-employment. The union has also identified the specific problems linked to temping that journalists face.

Legislation must address issues concerning this sort of employment, as it has been extremely hard to get new provisions on them in collective agreements.

Under the outgoing government, a working group of the Ministry of Employment and the Economy examined the impact of new forms of work outside the scope of regular employment. The working group examined part time and fixed-term work, as well as temping and self-employment.

The main issue for the UJF was self-employment, which in journalism involves the situation of freelancers.

The working group produced numerous reports and much worthy research by Statistics Finland, but changes to legislation will be left to the new parliament and government, following the 19 April elections.

The ‘Operaatio vakiduuni’ campaign is a good way to focus public action on the same issues as the working group. Top of the agenda is the issue of zero-hours contracts and the petition linked to it.

The UJF is not among the group of organisations running the campaign but the issues it raises also figure prominently in our work.

There needs to be legislation on zero-hours contracts so that we can eliminate the current predicament created by them. The same applies to legislation on other changing forms of employment.

More on the Operaatio vakiduuni campaign: http://operaatiovakiduuni.fi/  (in Finnish and Swedish)

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