Nyheter / 26.01.2015

Cyber security training for journalists

Journalists face an increasing challenge to secure their communications in a digital world. The protection of confidential source can be easily compromised in a world where surveillance is becoming ubiquitous. Can journalists secure their communications and protect their sources?

To address the issue, the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) and the European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) has organised a four-day workship starting from 19 January in Brussels on “Cyber security for journalists”.

Run by digital security expert, Dmitri Vitaliev, twenty-one journalists and union officers are given a hand-on approach to protect their communications in a fast-pace digital newsroom. Journalists were also taught how to bypass internet censorship and secure their online communications.

For useful tips and tools from the workshop, see the EFJ article: http://europeanjournalists.org/blog/2015/01/22/cyber-security-training-for-journalists/

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