News / 01.12.2023

UJF Council: Union priorities 2024 – negotiations on working conditions for self-employed workers, survey of members’ perceptions of the union

The UJF’s key advocacy issues for the coming year include influencing government decisions, negotiating minimum working conditions for the self-employed and preparing for the 2025 collective bargaining round. The priorities for the union’s activities in the coming year were discussed at the autumn meeting of the UJF Council.

According to a resolution adopted by the council, the union’s executive committee will examine the impact of the furore surrounding the editor-in-chief of Journalisti on the union’s image and members’ perceptions of the union.

The union’s aim for next year is to negotiate with member companies of the Finnish Media Federation (Finnmedia) and the Finnish Broadcasting Company (Yle) on working conditions and pay for freelance journalists.

Next year, the Journalists’ Union will return to the collective agreements concluded and the development measures agreed in them in working groups. For example, the union will discuss with the employer the development of a system of shop stewards for film and TV production companies.

Russia’s war in Ukraine is having a negative impact on the union’s international work and finances. The union will continue to support Ukrainian, Russian and Belarusian colleagues.

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