News / 19.04.2011

Press bargaining round reaches salary talks

Other proposals for the text content of the agreement have been on the table from the beginning of the bargaining round in the end of March.

The Union proposals include general salary raise of 2,7% from May 1st 2011, plus a raise of basic monthly salaries by 20 euros.

For the autumn, the Union proposes a locally negotiated raise of at least 0,4%.

The next raise would come May 1st 2012, the level of which would be negotiated by end of March that year. If no agreement by then, the whole agreement would be dismissible by September 30, 2012.

Otherwise the proposed term for the agreement would be 1.5.2011-28.2.2013.

The next meeting of the delegations is set for Maundy Thursday. The Union Board and Council will meet on Wednesday before that.

The Union members will find documentation of the proposals in Finnish from PressiTessi in the member’s site (to log in you need the membership number).


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