News / 20.05.2010

YLE workers reach agreement

The agreement is for three years. Salaries and other benefits were given a general 1.4 percentage increase from the beginning of October this year. Salary raise for the next two years are left to be negotiated later. Insofar as there is no mutual agreement over the salary increases, either party can abrogate the agreement with two months notice. A new agreement will be negotiated in August next year.

The outcome of the negotiation is quite simplified because no great changes have been made in the text. Reaching an agreement was helped by the fact that during the process there was a thorough discussion comparing the salary frames of YLE workers and other Finnish media houses. Because there was no quick solution to this and since YLE’s finances are not on solid grounds, it was decided to continue discussion the issue. This is the first time since the strike at the end of the 1980s that the issue has been brought in the right manner to a negotiation table.

The outcome of the negotiations has been be evaluated first in the Board of YOT with a similar evaluation to be done in the Board of the Finnish Journalists Union in the beginning of June. The Board of the Finnish Journalists Union has the authority from the Union to reject or accept the outcome of the negotiations.

Translation and editing: Linus Atarah

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