News / 24.05.2024

UJF Council: new fixed-rate freelance membership fee

The membership fee for employed freelancers will be revised from the beginning of next year. From 1 January 2025, the fee will be set at €39 per month. Previously, the membership fee for employed freelancers was 1.4% of gross income.

The reason for the change is to simplify the payment of the membership fee. The percentage-based fee has proven cumbersome and burdensome for members with irregular incomes and multiple employers, often within a short period of time.

Preparations for the new fixed membership fee have been extensive. UJF affiliates and branches have been consulted about the change. The general view is that a fixed fee would be more appropriate for employed freelancers.

The UJF Council decided on the new membership fee at its spring meeting on 23-24 May. More information about the new membership fee will be available in the autumn, when freelance members will receive detailed instructions.

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