The UJF has expressed concern at the worsening situation in Belarus and the treatment of journalists trying to carry out their work. The police have violently put down protests that erupted following the presidential elections. Violence has also been used in some places specifically to stop the free flow of information. At least 25 journalists have been arrested. Violence has been used against many others. The UJF has called on Finnish foreign minister Pekka Haavisto to condemn the violence levelled at journalists to block the free flow of information. A joint statement by Nordic and Baltic foreign ministers on the situation in Belarus voices “concern about the violence against post-election demonstrations” but does not mention attacks on the media. Journalists and free media already have extremely difficult conditions to work in Belarus. The local independent organization of journalists, the Belarusian Association of Journalists (BAJ), operating in a risky climate, has for twenty years continuously supported their members and reported on numerous assaults. They have never experienced anything like this before. Avainsanat: Belarus journalist UFJ