Current issues

The main job of the Union of Journalists in Finland is to improve the financial and professional situation and working conditions of its members, regardless of the members’ form of work.

Recent news

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Who to contact?

Are you looking for information about our international affairs? Or a foreign journalist searching for more information about the union? Don’t hesitate to contact us!

Salla Nazarenko

International Affairs Specialist

Phone: 044 972 9791

International affairsmedia policyprofessional ethics

Mika Heijari

Communications Specialist

Phone: 050 560 4224



The union and its affiliates organize several different trainings and events each month. Most of the events are in Finnish but we also organize events in Swedish and English.

All events

03.09.2024 klo 15:30

EY / Korkeavuorenkatu 32-24, 00130 Helsinki

AI Afterworkit jatkuvat – syksyn aloitusteemana No data, no AI 3.9.

17.09.2024 klo 10:00

Journalistiliiton toimisto / Siltasaarenkatu 18 – 20, A-rappu, 7. krs, Helsinki

Työsuojelupäivät – teemana yhdenvertaisuus ja tasa-arvo ti 17.9.

24.09.2024 klo 06:30

Oulun yliopisto, Nokian tutkimuskeskus, Naton DIANA-ohjelman 6G-testikeskus

Teknologia-akatemian matkassa 6G tutuksi Oulussa – hyppää junaan Helsingissä, Tampereella, Seinäjoella tai Kokkolassa 24.9.