News / 13.10.2015

Freelancer’s pay shrunk by €400

The annual income of freelancers has dropped by about €400 in the last two years, according to the results of a new labour market survey of freelance work in the media in 2014.

The average annual income of a freelancer was €23 900, or €1 992 a month. This is less than it was according to results of a similar survey for 2012. Some 37 per cent of respondents said their income had shrunk compared to the previous year.

Freelancers working in broadcasting generally have larger incomes than those in print and online media, earning on average €33 100, or €2 758 a month. Freelancers working for print media earned on average some €22 700 a year, or €1 892 a month.

“Changes to the law needed”

Jussi Salokangas UJF lawyer says that freelancers must be ensured the right to a fair income. The income gap between journalists working as employees and those working as freelancers is substantial.

“Journalists employed in press work earn on average €3 503 a month. Freelancers must also be guaranteed the right to fair remuneration for their work. This will require changes to the law.

According to the TNS Gallup survey, freelancers worked an average of 32 hours a week last year.

Freelance journalists are generally highly committed to their work. 67 per cent of them want to continue in the profession. Hardly any respondents said they wanted to leave journalism for another profession.


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