The main job of the union is to improve the financial and professional situation.
Freedom of speech is the foundation of a democratic society. Good journalistic practice is based on the public’s right to have access to facts and opinions.
The UJF is an independent trade union that negotiates collective bargaining agreements. It works to further the financial, social and professional standing of its members, both salaried and freelancers.
The union’s members include people who are employees or freelance journalists and who work for the press, broadcasting, publishing and online media.
Here you will find Journalistliitto's latest news, position briefs, research papers and upcoming events.
The Union of Journalists in Finland boasts nearly 14,000 members working across print media, broadcasting, publishing, and new communications media.
The strike would last from Saturday 22 March at 6 a.m. until Saturday 5 April at 6 a.m.
“The employers’ proposal for future increases to the pay scale would be more than two percentage points below the general rate, with the overall pay increase impact nearly one percentage point under the benchmark. This is simply unacceptable.”
Antti Laakso, the chair of the Union Council, will serve as interim president of the UJF.
The UJF has set out its main advocacy priorities for the coming year, focusing on collective bargaining, discussions on working conditions for freelancers and support for union representatives and employees at Yle (the Finnish Broadcasting Company) during organisational changes.
Freelance employees’ membership fees will undergo a restructuring from the start of next year. From 1 January 2025, the membership fee will be a fixed rate of €39 per month.
The money will be used to buy protective equipment, internet connections and generators for journalists working in the region.
The union helplines for members help you with questions about your membership and legal issues.
Phone: 09 6122 3333
Additional information: Mondays 10.00-11.30, Tuesdays 9-11.30, Thursdays-Fridays 9-11.30
Phone: 044 7555 000
Additional information: Weekdays 13.00-16.00, July 13.00-15.00
As a member of the UJF you are offered an extensive package of services that if bought separately and at full purchase price would far exceed the union sub. Membership entitles you to important financial security, such as if you lose your job or have legal problems.
The union has five ombudsmen in its unit handling collective agreements, which comes under the supervision of the union’s head of advocacy work.
UJF members receive a press card. You can use this as proof of profession in various situations. The card also allows you free access to museums, exhibitions, trade fairs and other events, including abroad.
Our members can get discounts on hundreds of different products and services.
The Fennia insurance company offers member insurance cover.
The Union of Journalists in Finland membership hinges on your profession and not your education or training.