
The Foundation to Promote Journalistic Culture (known as JOKES) disburses scholarships for a wide variety of purposes.

You can apply for a JOKES grant once you have submitted Kopiosto (Copyright Society) credentials to the Union of Journalists.

The foundation provides grants solely for funding Kopiosto scholarship reimbursements, which accrue with the secondary use of press material. Those entitled to copyright reimbursement are employed in the service of the print media or are otherwise copyright owners. Kopiosto grants the right of use for specific works and forwards the collected compensation to the authors or their representatives. A limited number of Kopiosto scholarships are also granted to journalists working in on-line media. Funding does not affect Freedom of Speech scholarships.

JOKES traditionally disburses about 16,000 euros in scholarships each spring for research purposes. Grants are also disbursed in the spring for participation in the Journalism Days and the Jyrki A. Juuti memorial scholarship for development of skills in the supervision of interests.

Each autumn, the JOKES foundation announces the recipients of the Kopiosto scholarships and the grants for final project work of students of journalism.

Applications are generally made during September and October and the scholarships are intended for use the following year. Scholarships are not provided retrospectively or for use on work in progress.

Scholarships can be applied for language study, vocational follow-up courses, finalizing studies, developing professional skills, exhibitions and publications, and for travel. Scholarships are not awarded for work or article-writing trips.

JOKES also grants annual scholarships for participation in Nordic journalistic courses held in Århus.

Application announcements are published (in Finnish) in Journalisti and both on the JOKES and the union’s website.

Further information from the foundation’s secretary Anna Kähkönen, Tel: (09) 649 048, 050 559 6150.