Redundancy talks held last year led to 77 journalists losing their jobs, according to UJF figures. The number is less than half that for 2015 and 2014. Both years saw 179 journalists being put out of work. Earlier, there were 172 and 205 redundancies for 2023 and 2012 respectively. UJF lawyer Tytti Oras says that one reason for the drop in job losses last year is because of the high numbers of previous years. “In many places organisations have already been greatly downsized.” Another reason may be the improved financial performance of the big media houses. Both Sanoma and Alma Media announced a growth in revenue last year. There were also fewer other staff redundancies last year compared to earlier years. Severance and retirement packages brought about cuts of 44 person-years in 2016. The figure in 2015 was 77, and 152 in 2014. The union compiles the figures based on the outcome of redundancy talks held each year. They include union members as well as non-members whose job descriptions fall within the scope of union membership eligibility and the authority of shop stewards. The figures do not include the numbers of terminations of fixed-term work contracts. Avainsanat: YT-neuvottelut